Raising the #SDGFlag for 9 Years of UN Global Compact SDGs

On the 25th of September, MBP Solutions, along with numerous other companies around the world, raises the SDG flag to commemorate the ninth year of the UN Global Compact SDGs.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a global call to action for collaboration amongst governments, businesses and society to enhance our world by 2030. Serving as a framework, these Global Goals aim to pave the way for the sustainable future we aspire to create.

The SDGs outline specific targets to uphold the human rights of all individuals, promote gender equality, eliminate poverty, address the pressing issues of climate change and safeguard our natural environment.

MBP SDG Flag 2024
MBP team members at our UK office raising the #SDGFlag

With only 16% of the SDG targets currently on track for realisation by 2030, the imperative for unified action has never been more pressing.

It is through collective efforts that we can strive towards achieving the Global Goals. This underscores the significance of the UN Global Compact’s celebration of SDG Flag Day for the third consecutive year in 2024.

By proudly flying the SDG Flag, MBP Solutions showcases our unwavering commitment to the SDGs and our proactive approach in tackling significant global challenges.

Annually, MBP Solutions releases its Communication on Progress (CoP) to provide updates on the status of targeted SDGs. Explore our CoP reports on the UN Global Compact site: www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/125581-MBP-SOLUTIONS-LTD.

Discover more about how the UN Global Compact SDGs serve as a compelling vision for transforming our world for the better at: www.unglobalcompact.org/sdgs.

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