Your By-product Expert for Trading, Collection and Outsourced Management
As your by-product expert, MBP Solutions specialises in turning by-products into valuable resources. Since our founding in 1999, we have been at the forefront of a global movement towards more responsible business practices through value generation in the by-product process.
We help companies improve profitability, create new revenue streams, reduce waste and act more sustainably. From recycling to renewable energy, technical applications, animal feed or human food – our solutions are tailored to partner needs.
With expertise in trading, collection and the complete outsourcing of by-product management, we deliver services that allow partners to focus on their core business activities.

We work together for a more sustainable world by helping industries reduce their impact on the environment.

We turn one industry’s by-product into another industry’s raw material by partnering with them to optimise resource use and generate added value.

We are global experts in by-products and their application, including supply chain management, international sales and marketing, legal compliance and sustainability.

We want to be globally recognised as the go-to partner for industries who want to handle by-products in a sustainable and responsible way.
Your By-product Expert by the Numbers
CEO Statement
“Sustainability has been at the core of our business as we work together for a more sustainable world by helping industries reduce their impact on the environment.
On the journey to update our mission and vision our employees used “sustainable” to describe MBP and so this is firmly embedded into our company values. We support sustainable development by optimising resource use and implementing circular business solutions by turning one industry’s by-product into another industry’s raw material by partnering with them to optimise resource use and generate added value.
We can contribute to at least 13 of the 17 SGD‘s through our products and services. I am pleased to reaffirm MBP’s support to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.”