Expertise in Advanced Recycling of By-products

MBP operates in the market of bio-based by-products and residues. Often these products are burned to generate heat and energy. However energy generation is a lower form of recycling of these environmental friendly products and at MBP we have the knowledge and expertise to develop advanced recycling of by-products to deliver ‘’higher’’ forms of recycling.

Over the years we have developed many applications which have proved to be excellent examples of this higher form of recycling.

Some noteworthy examples from the oleochemical and fish oil industry are below.

MBP Technical Products

MBP Solutions is an ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISCC EU and RSB EU RED certified companyView and download our certificates on our Quality page.

Looking to discuss your application or for more information? Contact us and we are here to help. 

Advanced Recycling of By-products from Oleochemical

In a biodiesel plant natural fats and oils are processed into biodiesel. One example is Rape Methyl Ester-Biodiesel based on rape oil.

MBP has developed several applications in cooperation with asphalt manufacturers of bio-based by-products for asphalt to replace mineral oil based products. In order to recycle asphalt, materials are added to improve viscosity. One of the products which can be used for this purpose is a ‘’heavy’’ residue which originates from the oleochemical industry.

Some of our vegetable-based residues are being used as biodegradable lubricants, for example as a lubricant for sawing in Scandinavia.

Our knowledge allows us to identify the best application on a case by cases basis. Resulting applications can, for example, range from candle manufacturing to de-inking of paper-pulp.


By-product Recycling Technology of Fish Oil Ethyl Esters

Fish oils can be used to produce Omega-3 products suitable for human consumption. During this
process by-products are generated. An important by-product is Fish Oil Ethyl Ester also known as

Over the years we have developed several applications for FOEE:

  • Optimise the properties of bitumen, for instance as a ‘’binder’’.
  • Use as an environment-friendly release agent for concrete casting release.
  • Use as a solvent in the ink industry.
  • Mix FOEE into biodiesel to adjust quality and benefit from double counting status. As well as the technical and chemical issues involved, we concentrated on achieving compliance with legal requirements, as these can differ from country to country.
Testing Fish Oils

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