The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary sustainability initiative, based on individual Company CEO commitments to align their business activities with global efforts, in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. More than 11,000 organisations in 156 countries have joined this initiative, and in November 2017, MBP became one of them.
24 October 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Global Compact and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.
To celebrate these events, we are joining forces with more than 11,000 member companies and 100 million people around the globe.
Here are some simple ways you as well can take action, learn about sustainability and the UN.
Watch and share this video, which shows how simple it is to participate in the activation
Add your photo using the UN’s photo filters and share on social media using #UnitingBusiness and #UN75
Take 30-minute UN Global Compact Academy course “How to Understand and Take Action on the Global Goals”
Take action and track your impact via the UN’s Act Now campaign and download the mobile app
MBP’s sustainability approach
Since 2017 MBP Solutions LTD has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. In November 2019, MBP Solutions submitted the latest Communication on Progress.
Sustainability has been part of our ideological backbone since the beginning, as our organisation captures and delivers value in economic, environmental and social terms. Our business brings to life the concepts of industrial ecology and circular economy by materialising the idea that the waste stream of one industry can be used as a key resource by another. The report focuses on our performance, challenges and opportunities and it covers MBP’s entire organisation, including administrative offices, industrial facilities and sourcing operations.
Since the foundation of the company, these are the principles that have always inspired the MBP Group’s approach to sustainability:
• Through our activities we shall strive to add value to waste and by-products in order to reduce the negative impact that these streams may have through land-filling or other types of disposal. At the same time we will reduce the consumption of primary resources by substituting primary raw material with value added by-products
• We prioritize good housekeeping and the preservation of natural resources in order to contribute to a sustainable society
• We will always, at the very least, comply with the environmental requirements imposed by current legislation and regulations
• Environmental work is an integrated and natural part of our daily work
• Our environmental management system drives a way of working in which we constantly strive to develop and improve ourselves
• We work towards making employees, customers and suppliers aware of general environmental issues and the issues which apply specifically to the products we manufacture
• Our product development work views the product from the perspective of its entire life cycle and seeks solutions with a low impact on the environment
• The environmental aspects are always taken into account when investing in production equipment and production methods.