Meet Up with MBP Solutions at Food Ingredients Europe
Food Ingredients Europe takes place 6-8 December 2022 in Paris and 28 November – 23 December online.
The event is uniting food & beverage suppliers, buyers, R&D experts and production specialists. Originally taking place biennially in a major European city, it now operates annually in conjunction with Health ingredients Europe.
The three key sustainability aims of Fi Europe 2022 are to:
1. Inspire sustainable development
2. Run an environmentally responsible event
3. Deliver a socially responsible event With this multifaceted approach
We are at Food Ingredients Europe to discuss with the industry, how together we can continue to improve the use of the important resource that are the by-products from the food industry.
Would you like to become a more sustainable business?
We are available for a meeting to understand your needs and discuss solutions.
MBP Solutions’ unique OMBP service allows industries with biological by-products to outsource the management of their by-products. The service has a long-term perspective that unlocks value through product and market development by skilled and specialised employees.
MBP Solutions is a company specializing in sales and market development of by-products from industries with a biological manufacturing process. Using by-products in different application is both sustainable and part of a circular economy.
Historically the business world has focused on the demands of shareholders rather than stakeholders and particularly on growth: growth in income and profitability.