Delegates from MBP Solutions will attend the IFFO’s Members’ Meeting (15-17 April), In-Cosmetics Global (16-18 April), Oleoline 3rd Global Oleochemical Conference (18 April), Seafood Expo Global (23-25 April ) and Vitafoods Europe (14-16 May). We recognise the value of industry events as platforms for knowledge exchange and partner networking opportunities. Our presence reflects our ongoing commitment to sustainability and enables us to share our knowledge and solutions with the broader industry.

MBP Solutions will be exhibiting at the 2024 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo in Montreal, Quebec Canada, April 28 – May 1, 2024.
More information specific to this event will be following shortly. 

We look forward to engaging with our industries and strengthening new and existing relationships.

Follow us on LinkedIn for updates on MBP Solutions or connect with our delegates.


Associate Account Manager

Delegate at IFFO


VP Business Development

Delegate at In-cosmetics Global and Vitafoods Europe

catherine dawson

Business Development Manager

Delegate at Seafood Expo Global

Michael Rankenberg Jaeger

Key Account Manager

Delegate at Vitafoods Europe

Viorel Marculescu

Technical Sales Manager

Delegate at Seafood Expo Global and Vitafoods Europe


Global Feed Business Director

Delegate at IFFO and Vitafoods Europe

Juan Holgueras Ortega

Technical Sales Manager

Delegate at Vitafoods Europe

At MBP Solutions, we specialize in turning by-products into valuable resources. We help companies improve profitability, create new revenue streams, reduce waste and act more sustainably. From recycling to renewable energytechnical applicationsanimal feed or human food, our solutions are tailored to your specific needs.

Our partners outsource the management of their by-products to us, freeing up valuable internal resource to focus on core business activities, safe in the knowledge that their operational priorities are met and they are supporting the circular economy.

Would you like to know more?


MBP Solutions is committed to having all the necessary certifications and accreditations for the range of services and products we provide across all our markets.

Our history

The company was founded as Modern By-Products A/S in Denmark by David Magnussen and Fayrefield Foodtech Scandinavia A/S. A pioneer of the circular economy, MBP Solutions' focus is on adding value.