Sustainability at MBP Solutions
In this month’s Values in Action feature article we’re looking a bit more closely at MBP’s value of Sustainability, following on from the previous post on Integrity.
These two values sit closely together for MBP Solutions, right at the heart of things. They represent the essence of what MBP Solutions is about; they underpin the corporate statements Why, What, Where and How.
What does the word SUSTAINABILITY mean?
Look at various dictionary definitions and the meaning of sustainability can vary. However, you can refer to a very basic, but still comprehensive definition of the concept to understand its meaning: the word sustainability comes from sustainable, and while “sustainable” refers to something that can continue or be continued for a long time, “sustainability” refers to the ability to achieve that.
During the past few years, Sustainability has become a tremendously popular word, and this has led to some confusion of what it really means and therefore to its misuse.
Sustainability is often used as a synonym of “environmental” or “environmentally friendly”, and this has led some people to think that something sustainable is something that is “good for the environment” or something that has “green labels or eco-labels”. But as you can see, since this is not completely accurate, we at MBP need to avoid falling into this mistake.
We need to keep in mind that sustainability is not only about the environment. To achieve true sustainability, we need to have economic, social and environmental factors in equal harmony.
Sustainability is the long-term goal. It is where humanity needs to be in order to ensure its survival in the long-term.
Then, sustainable development is what the world needs to do to achieve Sustainability. It refers to the many processes and pathways that will ensure that the world meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
And finally, the sustainable development goals, also known as the SDGs or Agenda 2030, is how the world is putting what we need to do into actionable steps to achieve Sustainability.
So while Sustainable can be seen as the “Where”, Sustainable Development is the “What” and the Sustainable Development Goals are the “How”.
Today, sustainability as a word, has acquired a strong ethical dimension as well as a scientific one and this dimension is increasing rapidly for obvious reasons. We sought to capture this when we chose the values icon for sustainability. We wanted to highlight the importance of collaboration, responsibility and also the contribution that everyone in MBP Solutions brings. The visual reflects the supportive, respectful and inclusive qualities we want to embody as we go about our business of helping to turn one industry’s waste into another industry’s raw material.
The degradation of the world’s natural resources caused by human activities has created the need to move from a linear model of consumption to one that maintains the highest utility and value of products, components and materials at all times. Our company encourages sustainable production and consumption patterns that help bring the concept of the circular economy to life. Sustainability sits at the core of our business as we work together for a more sustainable world, by helping industries reduce their impact on the environment.
As mentioned above, sustainability is not only about the environment. To achieve true sustainability, we need to have economic, social and environmental factors in equal harmony. Sustainability is a value much commented on. We are glad to see that many people and companies embrace sustainability as one of their core values.“Like all major transitions in human history, the shift from a linear to a circular economy will be a tumultuous one. It will feature heroes and pioneers, naysayers and obstacles, and moments of victory and doubt. If we persevere, however, we will put our economy back on a path of growth and sustainability”. Frans van Houten
We invite you to read more about SUSTAINABILITY at MBP Solutions in the case study below.
Since 2017 MBP Solutions LTD has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
You can read more about the way we operate and the sustainable circular model in our latest Sustainability Report submitted to UN Global Compact.
Would you like to know more?
MBP Solutions is committed to having all the necessary certifications and accreditations for the range of services and products we provide across all our markets.
What is our go green scheme?
MBP has helped a wide range of industries to improve many different aspects of their by-product management. We can help your business go green.