Diversity at MBP Solutions

This month’s Values in Action article features MBP Solutions’ value of Diversity and what this means for our business.

Diversity sits closely alongside MBP’s other values of Innovation, Growth and Sustainability, as it is an essential factor and contributor to them.  This, in turn, helps the business to deliver on its What, Where and How.

What MBP

We turn one industry’s by-product into another industry’s raw material by partnering with them to optimise resource use and generate added value.


We are global experts in by-products and their application, including supply chain management, international sales and marketing, legal compliance and sustainability.

MBP Where

We want to be globally recognised as the go-to partner for industries who want to handle by-products in a sustainable and responsible way.

What does the word DIVERSITY mean?

Our business requires a huge range of different skills covering Legal Compliance, Sustainability, Supply Chain Management, Product and Application Expertise and International Sales and Marketing. To deliver successfully across each of these five core competencies, we must have a diverse group of people with different thought processes, attitudes, behaviours, training, knowledge and skills.  

MBP Solutions has clients, suppliers, partners and colleagues globally, this means different nationalities, cultures, business practices, regulations and more.

MBP’s diversity enables us to build strong relationships and interact effectively with our broad client base, as well as attract new business opportunities from different countries and cultures.

By building these strong diverse relationships we can provide an excellent service to our current clients which in turn, allows us to attract and acquire new business. This demonstrates MBP Solutions as the “go-to” partner for industries who want to handle by-products in a sustainable and responsible way but also wish to grow, hence the direct link between Diversity and Growth.


Every single fingerprint in the world is unique and different. We have different physical characteristics, skills, beliefs, values, ways of thinking, styles, languages, cultures and more.

A multi-coloured fingerprint seemed like a great way of representing both our individual uniqueness and identity, along with our collective diversity across MBP Solutions.

It is important to recognise, however, that Diversity requires respect and tolerance for each other and for our differences. These are particularly strong elements in our culture at MBP Solutions.


Teamwork is an important aspect of MBP’s Diversity value statement. Not everyone can be the star goal-scorer. You need defenders, grafters, flair players, all of whom contribute in their own special ways. This also includes the support team off the field of play, the coaches, medics, administrators, data team and more, all play an essential role when it comes to being successful. It’s no different in business.

Diversity allows us to operate effectively as one global team, working together. Like any team, we need a range of players, managers support and more, who can work effectively together but who each bring their own particular skills.

The value of DIVERSITY

Diversity plays an important role in helping a business innovate.  If we are all roughly the same in our conditioning, experiences, thinking and behaviours, it is highly likely that we will have similar views, ideas and outlooks, no matter how creative or innovative we think we are. In MBP Solutions we want and need diversity so that we can look at problems and possible solutions with fresh and varied sets of eyes. With greater diversity we will have increased levels of challenge and creativity and this is to be encouraged. In short, Diversity supports Innovation.

We invite you to read more about DIVERSITY at MBP Solutions in the case study below.

Diversity is mission critical to our success as a business as it will help us to innovate and grow successfully and globally. Diversity as a core value also reflects and supports our commitment as a business to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Read our Corporate Social Responsibility report 2020


Human Resources and Diversity

As we increase our global footprint, we continue to recruit new employees to support this. We welcome and wish to attract diverse talent in our recruitment practices and seek to secure the best person for the role. Through our processes, training and culture, we ensure that Diversity is recognised and respected as a true strength of our business, regardless of the employees role or location.

Would you like to know more?


MBP Solutions is committed to having all the necessary certifications and accreditations for the range of services and products we provide across all our markets.

What is our go green scheme?

MBP has helped a wide range of industries to improve many different aspects of their by-product management. We can help your business go green.