Innovation at MBP Solutions

Innovation, one of MBP Solutions’ five values, sits at the heart of what we do as a business, as well as the way we do it.

These days almost every business recognises and talks about the importance of innovation, how it is essential to the future success of the business, how it can make the difference to a business either “surviving or thriving”, or as mother nature so often brutally presents it, adapt or die. So marketing and business cliches abound when it comes to innovation and talking about it, particularly in recent times.

For MBP Solutions, however, we can be justifiably proud of the fact that we’ve been working hard at innovation for nearly 22 years. Innovation is part of our very essence as a business and it sits at the centre of our business model.

We are and will continue to be a pioneering and progressive business because we are continuously looking to add value, primarily by finding new ways of repurposing biological by-products that move them up the waste management hierarchy. 

An innovative solution example is represented by fish oil by-products from Omega-3 concentration plants, which MBP Solutions is repurposing as animal feed. We are making this possible through our expertise and performing all necessary steps: product analysis, legal registration and compliance, feed trials, customer dialogue and acceptance and sustainability work. 

We are constantly looking to find new ways of doing everything better.

It’s not just our unique OMBP service and our broad range of products and applications involved, that demonstrate how innovative we are. It is also all the different processes and procedures that we use to enable us to do things “better”, whether that is quicker, differently from others, more efficiently, more affordable, faster or a combination of all of these. In short, we look for whatever is an improvement on what we or others do, however big or small that improvement may be, embracing a LEAN way of working.


We chose a rocket to represent Innovation. Why? Firstly everyone chooses a light bulb or a brain or a combination of the two to represent innovation.

For MBP Solutions we felt a rocket image was more dynamic, more aspirational too. Rockets take us to new places, other worlds. They represent drive, power and a modern sense of exploration. And they are tangible. Not only did someone dream up the idea of a rocket, they then went on to build them and make them work in an ever more sophisticated fashion. What started as a simple firework has evolved through constant development, including considerable trial and error, into a way to help us to navigate the universe.


Last month’s Values in Action article on the company’s value of Diversity shows how our values all connect together. By having a diverse workforce from different places, with different backgrounds, cultures, knowledge and attitudes, who can work constructively and supportively together, we already have a huge head start on Innovation. And it’s a sustainable advantage as these different elements are built into our overall business model and strategy.

When we say we are always looking for a better way of doing things, this means at every level. Any improvement is good, whether it a large one or a small one. Very often the simplest changes can have the greatest impact.

The value of INNOVATION

Innovation is defined as “the development of new products, designs or ideas”.

As Bertrand Piccard said: “Exploration is a state of mind. If we want to innovate and achieve impossible goals, we have to understand that the only obstacle to success is our mindset. It’s the accumulation of believes and habits that keep us prisoner of old ways of thinking.”

Or as Thomas Edison, the great inventor said: “There’s a way to do it better – find it.” But he also said, very pertinently: “The value of an idea lies in the using of it.” That’s what we do. We work out what we can do and then we work out how to put it into practice.

We invite you to read more about INNOVATION at MBP Solutions in the case study below.

In summary, Innovation, along with each of MBP’s other values, is vital to helping us all deliver on our WHY.

You only have to look at our unique OMBP service, our range of products and the variety of different applications we have identified and delivered, to see how innovative and persevering we have been, and continue to be, in terms of helping to turn one industry’s by-product into another industry’s raw material.

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MBP Solutions is committed to having all the necessary certifications and accreditations for the range of services and products we provide across all our markets.

What is our go green scheme?

MBP has helped a wide range of industries to improve many different aspects of their by-product management. We can help your business go green.