World-leading by-product collection

MBP is a world leader in the collection of biological raw materials for by-product production. From day one we have offered a by-product collection service based on on-time collection, full legal compliance and in accordance with all service agreements.

We have extensive experience of the following industries: 

Oil refining

Biodiesel production





Omega-3 refining

Fish meal production

We are always keen to learn more and share our specialist knowledge, and are always willing to look at other industries not in this list.

“We take care of your by-products” agreements

MBP offers by-product collection agreements on a quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis. We aim to work with you to add value to the products in the by-product value chain. Our contracts are flexible in terms of volume and quality, and MBP can guarantee that we can take the by-products ‘as they are’ and ‘as they come’.

Our approach helps ensure that there is a legally compliant solution for your by-products and that there is always sufficient collection capacity, so that your storage facilities and tanks do not run full and stop production. Budgeting becomes easy, as by-product related income or costs are clear.

“Ad hoc” trading

MBP can also offer to buy individual volumes or shiploads of well defined by-products. This can help you to balance your books, manage volume variations or help build new business relationships. This is typically a normal contract in which quantity, quality and delivery period are specified.

This agreement is an advantage when you have your own by-product management and by-products are easy to sell to a number of competing customers.

In Scandinavia MBP has pioneered and grown the whole market for the collection of Used Cooking Oil from restaurants, fast food chains and factories.

MBP also offers a total outsourcing solution for the management of your by-products, our OMBP approach, which offers a range of high value services, legal compliance and product and service development.

For more information on by-product collection call us on +41 32 720 05 20

Would you like to know more?

What is our go green scheme?

MBP has helped a wide range of industries to improve many different aspects of their by-product management. We can help your business go green. 


The management of by-products can be outsourced. For manufacturers working with biological raw material MBP has developed a world class outsourcing approach which we call OMBP (Outsourced Management of By-Products).


MBP Solutions is committed to having all the necessary certifications and accreditations for the range of services and products we provide across all our markets.